
Welcome to the advanced project estimation calculator (beta).

Through the careful use of self driving algorithms, project management techniques, behavioral analysis and nano AI bots, we can determine approximately how long your project will take to complete.

Please note that these are estimates. Actual completion time may vary.

Answer all of the following questions. Select the best or closest matching answer for your organization, project or team.

Project Codename:
SDLC Methodology:
Expected Start Time:
Story Points for this project (if applicable):

Executive Development Competence:
Executive Business Competence:
Business Busy Period:
Primary Communication Method:
Decision Making:

Development Team
Total Team Size:
# of Dedicated Developers:
# of Dedicated Testers:
Avg Story Points for small projects (if applicable):
Avg Story Points for large projects (if applicable):
Programming Language:
Team Location:
Consensus on best franchise:
Developers use an IDE:
Developers practice TDD:

The Joel Test
Use source control:
Build in one step:
Daily builds:
Bug database:
Fix bugs before writing new code:
Schedule up to date:
Specs are defined:
Quiet working conditions:
Developers use the best tools available:
Team has dedicated testers:
Candidates write code during interviews:
Hallway usability testing: